Urgent short-term trading opportunity

Be ready to get in on this ticker

Editor’s Note: Most experts are talking about AI, crypto, and the “Trump Trade.”

But for a brief window, former hedge fund manager Larry Benedict believes the biggest short-term gains could come from something he calls “The December Moneymaking Frenzy.”

With this catalyst set to hit on December 20th, Larry’s sharing the details, including the name of the ticker at the center of it all.

Details below…

Dear Reader,

It’s rare to double or triple your money in a matter of hours.

But since I first told my readers about something I call “The December Moneymaking Frenzy,” they’ve had the chance to do exactly that.

And some everyday folks have reported making extraordinary amounts of money…

“I made 12k within 3 hrs!!!”

– Chris N. 

“This morning at 9:40 am I am at Lowe's buying stuff to paint my house and check E*TRADE on my phone while I am in the store - I made over $7000 !!! I quickly closed out the positions in the store and smiled as I checked out. Thank you Larry.”

– Todd O.

Disclaimer: The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical; investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

What is this “frenzy”?

It’s a unique Wall Street event that few people know about. All told, more than $1 trillion is set to change hands, with a good amount funneling through one ticker.

If you get in on this one ticker beforehand, you could see your biggest short-term gains of the year… by December 20th .

As a hedge fund manager, I used this opportunity to make millions for my clients.

Now I’m ready to show you what this opportunity could do for YOUR portfolio.

There’s only one catch: This opportunity is extremely time-sensitive. You need to be ready to act immediately.


—Larry Benedict

Editor, The Opportunistic Trader